3 Realistic Areas to Clean and Detox for Spring + Spring Playlist

by - March 19, 2017

Realistic Ways to Detox:

Spring is a time of growth, rejuvenation, and reinvention. Spring is the all-natural New Year's party! Every year I'm motivated to clean and reinvent myself in fresh healthy ways when spring comes. It's finally time to feel light and fresh after winter!

Below I cover three areas you can detox to start fresh and feel fresh for spring. To me, detoxing is simply de-toxing, removing or cutting down on anything toxic in your life.

There's no need to start a juice cleanse, just install simple ways to live less toxic into your life!

Here are my tips for how to realistically detox your mind and body for spring:

1. Internal:

        When you think detox you probably think of what you'll eat (or not eat) to detox. To detox for spring you might:
  • Make the most of the detoxifying foods of spring, such as:
    • Lemons
    • Garlic
    • Leafy greens (Spinach, Dandelion greens, arugula, Lettuce)
    • Fresh herbs and spices
    • Hot lemon water or herbal teas
  • Drink more water! We've all heard it 100 times, but if you want to flush out toxins water is key!
  • Avoid food triggers or inflammatory foods
    • What's healthy is unique to you! You may want to watch for food sensitivities. Caffeine, fried foods, dairy, gluten, and refined sugar often do more bad than good.
 Let Everyday be a Detox
—  Julieanna Hever

2. External: 

       The next aspect of detoxification is your external body - in this case your skin! Spring is a great time to clean and freshen your routine to cut down on unnecessary toxicity. To detoxify you might:
  • Detoxify your beauty cabinet!
    • Remove beauty products (ie. haircare, skincare, and makeup) heavy in unnecessary chemicals and parabens.
  • Pamper yourself with a detoxifying bath or face mask (easy and cheap to DIY!) to help de-stress, cleanse, and let go of anything toxic to you.
  • Oil pull, oil cleanse, exfoliate, or dry brush. 
  • Sweat it out! Get the blood circulating and speed up skin cell turnover.
    Yes, I deserve a spring–I owe nobody nothing.
—  Virginia Woolf, A Writer’s Diary

3. Environmental: 

       Environmental detoxification focuses on preventing toxicity from seeping into your life. To detoxify your environment:
  • Spring clean! Our spaces also affect our mental state.
  • Detox your electronics! I always feel so much better when I can let go of electronic clutter.
    • Clean the junk out of your folders and/or finally empty your computer's trash bin.
    • Unfollow anyone driving you crazy on social media! Free yourself from unnecessary negativity and stress.
    • Realize which technologies add to your life, and which don't.
  • Spend time outside, or bring the outside in. Add freshness and positivity to your spaces with plants, art, or something you love.
  • Change/clean filters to keep your space clean and healthy for the new season.
  • Share kindness with those around you. Create a positive and non-toxic emotional space.

    And then her heart changed, or at least she understood it; and the winter passed, and the sun shone upon her.
—  J.R.R. Tolkien, The Return of the King

A Spring Playlist:

Is there something you're looking forward to this spring?
Let me know in the comments below, along with any of your own music recommendations! I'd love to give them a listen :)

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